Shopper Engagement: Progressive Transition


The progressive transition

The continuous evolution of the retail space has made the shopper harder to identify and target. Brick and mortar establishments aren’t disappearing, but the traditional shopping experience is advancing. The appealing convenience of e-commerce is influencing customer decisions and expectations, meaning marketers are being challenged to merge the digital and the physical into a seamless, personalised experience.

Presence is fundamental. Time and place are critical. Knowing your shopper and how to engage them along their shopper journey needs to be understood and defined.

The new kids on the block

How to define the shopper in a merged retail and e-commerce space? Rakuten Marketing have assisted by identifying four modern profiles dominant among Millennials.


Couch Converters

Will use the most convenient device available to complete a purchase. This could be done via mobile phone, tablet or laptop; convenience is always key with this group. A profile not typically associated with research, they require clear direction from brands, making programmatic and affiliated marketing highly effective.


Impulse Led

An impulse driven shopper is one who routinely does extensive browsing before committing to a purchase. Not typically known for their brand loyalty. However, shoppers require constant engagement with relevant ads and messaging to peak their interest in a specific brand. This can be viewed as somewhat of a loyalty programme as this profile aligns itself with brands that understand their shopping needs. Their buying habits are also dependent on purchase cycles, making this profile never fully committed to a specific brand.


Luxury Loyalists

An impulse driven shopper is one who routinely does extensive browsing before committing to a purchase. Not typically known for their brand loyalty. However, shoppers require constant engagement with relevant ads and messaging to peak their interest in a specific brand. This can be viewed as somewhat of a loyalty programme as this profile aligns itself with brands that understand their shopping needs. Their buying habits are also dependent on purchase cycles, making this profile never fully committed to a specific brand.


Discount Dependent

Constantly on the look-out for a better deal, this profile is not limited to a specific time of purchase. Email, social media and display ads are critical to any type of targeting strategy. The spend generally peaks around November in preparation for the festive season. Value is extremely important to this profile; making the use of vouchers, discount and cash-back promotions a means of gaining visibility for your brand.

Shopper Influences

Shopping has become an ambient activity that is executed everywhere and at anytime. No matter the profile there are still key influencers taking effect although the delivery may differ.


When is a product needed? Or when the impulse advertising works on their need or want for a specific product.


The way in which the consumer buys his/her product (online, in-store, researched analysis, etc.)


The rate at which the consumer uses the product maintains the intervals of future purchase.

Brands have to be visible when consumers are ready to interact. Brands must work with the retailers to build an ecosystem of presence. Brands need to organise themselves around consumption and the lives of consumers, therefore defining the inter-dependency between the digital and physical. This can be achieved by Defining the Zero moment of truth.


Zero Moment of Truth

Defined as the moment of decision making influenced by online research, social media and recommendations. The Zero Moment of Truth is found in-between the initial exposer and actual purchase of a product or service.

1st Moment of Truth

2nd Moment of Truth

Shopper engagement is an all-encompassing approach taking into consideration all aspects of the shopper’s experience of purchasing a specific item or going to a specific store. The digital aspect influences the information that a shopper receives on a specific item, in turn the in-store promotion guarantees an attraction for the shopper to complete the purchase.