Point News Room – Digital in Retail – From Bricks to Bytes


A Quick Recap.

From bricks to bytes
Digital shopper engagement in the retail environment enables the recognition of a shopper in-store, but also contributes to better understanding of how shopper experience takes place in retail. By making use of digital tools, the following three pointers ensure you make an appropriate choice for your needs:

Arrow pointing to target icon

Applications are endless, keep your objectives in mind.

Building a wall

Remember the three building blocks to digital in-store and the roles they play.

Icons working together for growth

Link touchpoints to create a more intuitive and interactive shopper experience that yields results.


When developing and executing integrated in-store digital engagement, key factors must be considered.

Pencil pointing to target icon

Clearly define your objectives

Mechanical eye icon

Review all technologies

Measuring jug icon

Pilot and measure results

Person pointing to chart

Collaboration and training is key


However, let us say you have a newly launched product aimed at a specific demographic and profile. Your online presence through social media, website branding and targeted advertising has proven successful to new and prospective clients, thus prompting an investment in POS for support.
Your in-store sales however have shown a dip instead of a peak.

How do you collate the difference between a successful online strategy and a failed in-store campaign?

1. Define Your Objective
Determine the ROI of in-store POS by comparing the impact of various shopper profiles and identifying the possible barriers to in-store conversion. These are all clear objectives. Be sure to clearly define yours to ensure a measureable result.

2. Identify the Pilot
Now that you know your objective, the next step would be to isolate your pilot locations for successful testing and measurement. Why you may ask? Digital integration does not come cheap and fine-tuning on a small scale will enable a more cost effective, manageable and time efficient roll out.

3. Bring in the Specialists
Trying to keep up with the latest trends and technologies available seems almost impossible. Make use of digital specialists that understand the integration of digital technology and data across your in-store marketing mix and are able to empower you with the analytics that will drive future client engagement.

4. Do Not Forget the People
Many digital systems are controlled remotely, however there are still occasional onsite maintenance elements making the training of onsite staff essential. This training can be as simple as switching the unit off at night, changing batteries or re-setting the system if there is a power failure.

With your objectives set and your digital specialist briefed, it is clear that you need an observation tool integrated into your existing POS. This tool’s capabilities should be predefined to ensure that the information collected is relevant, can be analysed and the information obtained enables the creation of an action plan that will optimise your in-store presence.

Observation Tool Objectives

1. The Hardware
A small camera linked to a processor with remote connectivity that can be integrated into your existing POS

2. Software
Use the images captured from the hardware with algorithms to determine your next steps

3. Reporting & Analytics
The information obtained can be condensed into a series of reports and further analysed into tangible recommendations

4. Footfall
The number of shoppers who pass your product

5. Notice
How many shoppers take notice of the product

6. Dwell Time
How long shoppers observe your product

7. Interaction
How many shoppers pick up or interact with your product

8. Possible Purchase
How many shoppers walk away with or place your product in their trolley/basket

9. Shopper Profiling
A full break down of the gender, ethnicity and age of shoppers who notice, interact and purchase your product

Chart showing shopping frequency

Analysing these data points will provide a clear indication of how to optimise your in-store presence, for example:

High Footfall + High Notice + Low Interaction
Your display is in a high traffic area and is very noticeable, but shoppers in that area are not interested in your product and you should reconsider its placement.

High Notice + High Interaction + Low Sales

Your display is in a high traffic area and is very noticeable. Shoppers are interested, but your price point could be off or they are looking for further product information before purchasing.

There are so many alternative material choices available and with growing support they are becoming more and more affordable. Just remember, it’s not just the material chosen, but the consideration of the full life cycle of a product which can make a real impact.

Point Forward

Point Forward is a thought leadership article intended to spark conversation and explore new ideas, technologies and trends in the world of marketing collateral. At Point, we actively encourage collaboration, problem-solving and reimagination because innovation is ingrained in our culture and mindset. There is always a better way to approach design, business, technology, and everything in-between, and Point is committed to finding it within ourselves, partners, suppliers and clients.