Point is pleased to announce that as of June 2018, the South African operating company has a Level 2 B-BBEE rating.
As a generic company in terms of the regulations, Point has achieved Level 2 Contributor status with 51% Black Ownership and a B-BBEE procurement recognition level of 125%.
Managing Director, Anthony Swart, explained the team’s dedication in achieving the status, “We work persistently to ensure that we meet B-BBEE requirements and that our business evolves with the South African landscape.”
This follows from a new B-BBEE shareholding transaction that was completed in early 2018.
We are committed to ensuring that we are representative and supportive of the country’s profile. We are pleased to be playing our part in the process of B-BBEE reform in the supply chain of the South Africa marketing materials and services sector, both directly through our own rating, and indirectly through our work with our clients’ other suppliers.
Point continues to support all partners and suppliers in transforming and aligning to B-BBEE requirements. Commitment to ongoing supplier development ensures compliance and improvements which ultimately contributes to Point’s own as well as South African clients’ business goals.